We are located on the crossroads of Tutbury Road and Harehedge Lane in Burton on Trent.

- Move into the right hand lane on the bridge.
- Over at the first 3 sets of traffic lights.
- Over the railway bridge.
- Over the island at end of the bridge.
- Continue for several minutes.
- Up a long hill, following the road as it bends to the right.
- We are on the right of the next crossroads.
- Exit the A38 and take the first right turn and right again, which takes you over the A38
heading Northbound.
- Take the first left, signposted Rolleston on Dove.
- Take the second left, along Church Road.
- Go along this road and at the crossroads turn right.
- Go along this road and at the crossroads go straight ahead.
- This road is Harehedge Lane, we are at the end of the road on the Left.
- Drive past the Southern exit.
- Exit at the Northern exit to Burton.
- Take the first right signposted Rolleston on Dove.
- Take the second left, along Church Road.
- Go along this road and at the crossroads turn right.
- Go along this road and at the crossroads go straight ahead.
- This road is Harehedge Lane, we are at the end of the road on the Left.
- Leave the A50 at the Hatton Exit.
- Follow the sliproad over the A50.
- Continue along until you reach a crossroad.
- Turn right at the crossroads.
- Continue through Hatton over a mini island, until you reach a roundabout.
- Turn left at the roundabout.
- Go up the hill until you reach another roundabout.
- Over the roundabout and continue along for a couple of miles.
- We are on the left at the next crossroads.